When marketing your home, it goes without saying, that you want to get as many potential buyers through your front door as possible. We want your property to look it's very best, here's our advice on how to achieve that..
It's All In The Preparation!
Keeping rooms clear of clutter will help focus the attention on the space rather than the items within it.
HALLWAYS - Remove any shoes and coats - you want to present a clean, flowing space.
LIVING ROOMS - Think space! If you can, it is advisable to remove any oversized pieces of furniture. Straighten any bookshelves and remove any personal items you do not wish to be seen on a public forum.. this includes any family photographs or sentimental items.
KITCHEN - Free up the work surfaces, putting away any extra appliances. Remove any fridge magnets and kids artwork...It's only for a little while, you can put them back up once we're gone! Please put away any bins, cleaning products, kitchen towels and oven gloves.. we're aiming for a clean, sleek look!
BEDROOMS - Free up any surfaces and put away personal items. Clear away any under bed items that can be seen when entering the rooms. Use any cupboard space wisely and store away items that make the space look cluttered.. kids toys etc
BATHROOMS - Some of the best looking bathrooms are the ones with just a nice, neatly folded towel! Store away all personal items, shower gels, toothbrushes....everything, pop them in a cupboard. Putting the toilet lid down is an absolute must.
OFFICE - Whether it's a dedicated study or just a desk in the corner, make sure it's neat and tidy with any important personal information kept well out of sight.
Open all curtains and blinds, letting in as much natural light as possible. Switch on all lamps and lights, replace any dull or blown bulbs. A bright room looks much bigger than a dull, gloomy one.
Please make sure all beds are made.. this is essential, this is the difference between a smart, inviting room and a scruffy looking one. Nice smooth bed linen and plumped up pillows look brilliant on camera.
Get the polish out, the camera loves clean shiny surfaces! Mop and hoover all floors.
A great garden is just as important as the house. To look it's best any grass should be neat and tidy, all bins should be tucked away - preferably out of sight and any kids toys, garden hoses etc should be stored away. Move any cars from the driveway allowing for a nice clean external shot.
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST...THOSE BELOVED PETS Put away any pet bowls and beds, and if it's possible organise for someone else to love them for a few hours!
Taking some time to prepare your property can make a huge difference to your marketing campaign!